Install Custom Recovery TWPR S3 and S3 Neo

Install Custom Recovery TWPR S3 and S3 Neo
How to install TWPR Recovery on Galaxy S3 Neo GT-i9301i, GT-i9300i
For the Moddin of any Android device the installation of TWRP Recovery is a fundamental step.
Necessary Software :
1.We put our device in download mode ( Vol down + home + power )
2.Pressing the volume up button( continue ) e connettiamolo al PC
3.Let’s make sure the device is recognized byOdin
4. We click onPDAand we look for our file just downloaded(recovery.tar.md5 )
5. Let’s make sure that Re-partitionis not flagged
6. We click on “Start”and we wait for the process to be successful
7. The device will reboot and if all the steps have been performed on its reboot we will have installed the TWRP recovery (Start it with Keyvol su + home + Power on )
Let me know in the comments section your impressions on this application and if you have had problems installing or configuring.

below you will find the link to download the application
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